
VidMasta  for Windows
Media & Video

VidMasta - a program for viewing and downloading videos, movies in HD quality and less on the Internet. There is a video search function and select the best \ top results. It is also able to provide anonymity.

With VidMasta you can easily select the most appropriate to your needs links for downloading of a film transfer, video and so on. The client alone will scan all found variants, then select the best. The criteria used in selecting VidMasta links are very simple and clear: to find the greatest number of downloads of a file, a large number of seeders and, of course, the reliability of the source.

Separately should stay on that in VidMasta has built-in function, which is called «Deep Search, Best Source». It is this feature will allow you to determine the best options that are suitable for your needs.

The option called «Popular Movies» allows you to display the most relevant and popular films - the definition of the video program produces, based on the number of file downloads. Another option, it is called the «Popular TV Shows» operates exactly the same way as the above-named option. However, the task she is somewhat different: it displays the most popular TV shows in the network.
It should be noted that the program has enough VidMasta powerful and efficient search module. So, VidMasta able to do the following: Quickly find and download the desired subtitle, to set a certain number of results in the search process, to set minimum and maximum file size that you want to find, specify the desired format, and much more.

However, VidMasta utility when the user himself is able to wish to ensure absolute anonymity. So, VidMasta be able to provide such a possibility: the user uploads the video, the program checks it and then uses a list of proxy servers that will maximize reliably hide the real IP address of the user. By the way, VidMasta - it is also very easy to use program that allows you to download videos from many popular social networks today: for example, such as vkontakte, odnoklassniki, youtube, as well as many others.

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