
Ace Stream Media 
an innovative media platform of the new generation, which will take you to a new level of high-quality multimedia space on the Internet. Do you want to watch TV channels in good quality? Or, instead of what would download movies from torrent - trackers to your computer, to contemplate them directly in the browser? Torrent TV uses P2P (peer to peer) technology to deliver streams to users. Overall, the Torrent program is designed for live broadcasts, viewing online video broadcasts (films, sports broadcasts, news, music, etc).

Additional Information

It will help you with this plugin and player for the browsers Chrome, Firefox and Opera - Ace Player HD. In general, the plug-in can in your browser to stream any movie on the link. torrent. Instead of downloading the file, click on it with the right mouse button and start watching.• Innovative streaming video and audio, set up on the basis of the most popular P2P protocol (BitTorrent), in its implementation of the best in the world with unmatched capabilities allow you to enjoy online viewing and listening of high quality video and audio over the Internet.• Take advantage of opportunities and functional systems Ace Stream Media, connecting an extension / add-on for your browser Ace Player HD, and you will not have to do a variety of unnecessary movements and wait for something to download!• By all just one "magical" key while on her beloved tracker / website, you can start playing online video or audio content without downloading torrent-file without waiting to load the content.Among the main features of the program is worth noting:• High quality picture and sound direct Internet broadcasts• Fast start projects and the possibility of effective scaling• The cheapest offer for the storage and delivery of the required content• Extremely high rate of flow stability• No restrictions on the use of different during Players• Full respect for and protection of copyrights• The social component that has the full decentralization.

How it works 

Perhaps you've watched online broadcast TV channels on the Internet at various sites, and noticed a feature common to most online TV sites. When held some public events (such as sports) picture on the site begins to "jam", "crumble", not just TV shows or watch online becomes simply impossible. - This server technologies disadvantages broadcast, when a lot of people are starting to do something active use, it ceases to work at all!Principle torrent broadcast created as a time that would have to deal with this problem.Paradoxical as it sounds, but the phrase "more viewers - higher quality," just for the torrent of television.
• Ace Stream HD (TS Engine)

 The manager of multimedia streams (BitTorrent-Client is a next generation!) Universal cross-platform software application for use in P2P (BitTorrent) network. The application can operate in different modes, performing a variety of functions and tasks, acting as a client and / or server applications.The client part - can work in:- client;- The source of live;- The remote client.The server part - can work in:- The source of live;- Host / server support to live;- P2P Proxy Stream.Note: The «P2P Proxy Stream» allows substitution / transformation of P2P-traffic HTTP, on the fly! (i.e., changing data transmission protocols will be carried out immediately, in real time). This feature allows you to receive on the host / server data protocol bittorrent or simultaneously on multiple network protocols (HTTP + BitTorrent) and pass them on another protocol.

• ACE Player HD 

An enhanced version of multimedia player VLC, with the support of the protocol BitTorrent. The main distinguishing feature of the original version of VLC - is what ACE Player HD lets you play online video and audio content via the torrent files, as well as through other transport files and methods that supports BitTorrent protocol and technology Ace Stream.- Note: The player can work with both local and remote application c «Ace Stream HD» (P2P-client).

• Ace Stream P2P Multimedia Plug-in 

Multifunctional Web Player, on the basis of libvlc (plug-in for web browsers). New innovative features Ace Stream, as well as all the power and functionality of the world's most popular player (VLC), are available in a web browser, through a plug «Ace Stream P2P Multimedia Plug-in». You will be able to use the most functional and best in the world of web player on the pages of various sites, including You Tube, and other popular video hostings, as well as at various sites using technology Ace Stream.- Note: This Web Player in conjunction with «Ace Stream HD» will provide an excellent alternative to Flash-player that is significantly inferior in functionality and can not provide services for the effective application of the VoD / use of technology P2P.

• TS Magic Player 

Optional extension for browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera. It allows you to play online video and audio content on any sites that contain links to torrent files, without having to download torrent files and without waiting to load the content. TS Magic Player can in your browser to stream any movie on the torrent-link. Instead of downloading the file, click on it with the right mouse button and start watching.

Playlist Acestream

NEW VERSION 7.10.2017
Ace Stream Media 3.1.20 

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