
Download Master - it is one of the most well-known on the Internet for operational programs to download any files. With Download Master can greatly increase the speed of downloading files on the protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP due to the fact that downloadable files are divided into streams that simultaneously.Download Master can significantly increase the speed of downloading files via the Internet using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols. For this reason the partition file for streams that simultaneously. The program also supports the resume file to the current position after the break.To improve ease of use, Download Master integrates into Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome New !, Mozilla, Opera, Netscape Communicator, and others, replacing the standard download modules. In addition, the program monitors the clipboard, checking references. Download Master allows you to upload, store and view videos from video sharing services: YouTube, Google Video, RuTube, Видео@mail.ru, Rambler Vision.Main features Download Master- Intuitive and customizable user interface.- Support for lists of users with rich sorting options.- Floating download speed indicator, active downloads indicators, management of active downloads.- Support for plug-ins (plug-ins).- Support for skins.- Multi-language (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian ...).- Dynamic multi-threaded download.- Work on schedule, turning off the PC after the injection.- The powerful and useful tool for management of download categories.- Search for and adding download mirrors.- Ability to download video from popular video sharing.- Work with ZIP archives: option to preview the contents of ZIP archives before download, option to download only files selected from an archive, option to check ZIP archives and recover corrupted files as well as option to unpack archives.- The history of downloads.- And much more...The program also includes* Site manager for password management and folders to save;* Scheduler, you can customize the work on schedule;* "Dialer" for dial-up connections;* FTP Explorer;* Search for files, programs, games and music;* DM Bar - a toolbar for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.Plug-in, and a bar for the browser Google Chrome;Improved version of the plug and the bar for Firefox - partially done;Improved support for download from video sites - done.


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